Friday, 23 September 2011

All I Hear Is 'Wah'

The degree of complaining on facewhinge-I-mean-book has become somewhat stupendous.

How embarrassing is it reading a blow by blow account of someone's on-again-off-again relationship with their cheating girlfriend or warts and all timeline of a first-time mother's morning sickness? I don't care if your rent is going up or you got no sleep last night. Why do you feel the world needs to know?

I understand that Facebook is a support network for many of us and whilst I agree with the merits herein, some people do take it too far.

Over-share is awkward at the best of times and even moreso when aired in the forum of social networking. Not to mention seasoning this already unsavoury dish with a whole lot of unnecessary and exaggerated FMLs. At least now it's truly bad taste, rather than just bland, right? Points to you lot for not doing things by halves!

The latest generic facewhinge posts are those complaining about Facebook itself. I guess I am stooping to this trivial level of pettiness by ranting about their ranting, but really!! It's Facebook.

Guys, you need to relax mmmkay?!

It's as though these people honestly believe that their lives are worse off because the news feed is different or they changed the chat bar. It's quite ironic that the complainants utilise the very same medium to air their disdain. Do they not see how this is quietly hilarious?

Now would you like some cheese with that whine? Well, it is Friday. Don't mind if I do!

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