Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Money and status do not impress me and I don't care what you "do" unless you love it. Talk to me with passion about something you truly care about; only then will I be eager to learn more about you.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


We consistently overrate things by underrating things. Powerful language becomes tired and watered down. Get creative, stay honest. Be mindful of your word selection.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Plastic and metal

Perhaps I long not to put my heart in another's hands because it already is, in a much more tangible sense. An issue so dear to me, so personal, yet rarely I pay mind.

Too soon now, I will walk those hallowed halls, or will I learn not soon enough? My darling little not-so-secret, tossed about with technology, entertained once more.

And hopefully the clouds will hang there suspended for a while longer, not a sun shower in sight.