Thursday, 30 August 2012

To resist is to piss in the wind

Rage against the machine all you want; you're still a part of it.

Title lyrics taken from Incubus - Out From Under

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

A bird is singing on the other side of this glass

Sound in mind now, heads not tails. Coin flipped, things are different. History doesn't repeat they say but it does play out under a bright new light. It's like watching a movie, showcasing just how much I have learned.
Title lyrics taken from Underworld - Juanita

Monday, 27 August 2012

Rock bottom foundation

A person is never broken, he who has the tenacity will repair. Be strong in mind and body - one can overcome anything.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Nice curve ball, Beck!

My opinion? Sheer genius! Such a clever send up of the current condition of the music industry in a refreshing, novel fashion. Beck Hansen, this is art.

Monday, 13 August 2012


You're holding the key, you just need to find the right door. If you're still not succeeding perhaps you're in the wrong building? Sometimes all the houses look the same from the street.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Son, life just ain't that hard

Glass half empty/glass half full? Just fill the damned thing to the brim, argument solved.

Title lyrics taken from City and Colour - The Grand Optimist