Thursday, 22 March 2012

Said the blind man to his deaf wife

Tired of telling others what you think they should do? Try leading by example. No one can argue with that. Preach less, practice more.

Monday, 19 March 2012


And what if the world, or even just your own should end tomorrow? All that worry, all that stress, for nothing. Ah, what a waste of time and energy it might be. Such a risky investment!

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Kid, you're a dreamer

So many ideas. So little time. Could I please wind the clock back even a couple of minutes? I ask as I sit here pondering, the second hand never slowing in its mocking, perpetual beat. Good old time: best enemy, worst friend. I have too much energy but no way to rein it in. Running wild, I am a waste when left to my own devices yet I preach accountability? Some say it's never too late, I guess I should get cracking. If only I could make up my mind for long enough to actually follow through with something. Anything.

Friday, 16 March 2012


Anytime I feel wound up, this should be my go-to happy place. I remember when this was first posted on Facebook on Christmas night, it was such a gorgeous piece to end a lovely day. Thank you, Joel! Marry me?

Thursday, 8 March 2012


I wanted to write a properly-penned opinion piece but after spending the better part of my day debating this prevalent media topic, I'm afraid I am now a little spent on Kony2012. As a result I have decided to summarize instead. Knowing me, this means that I will probably forget the strongest tent pegs when pitching any arguments and this certainly won't be my best work, however for whatever reason I just need to get it out tonight so blah blah blah here goes.

First and foremost, I am gobsmacked that so many people are genuinely shocked to learn of the political climate in Africa. I know it's not your usual glossy mainstream news, but surely our heads are not so deep in the sand? This whole thing is one messed up rock and hard place.

I'm going to admit it, I find it very difficult to support international intervention when it comes to civil war. Please don't get me wrong, I believe in human rights as much as those who are shaken by the video and outwardly voicing their disgust towards Kony and the LRA but at risk of being condemned as cold-hearted, I'm just not buying into it. Worthy cause and important issue? Absolutely. Is our compassion being exploited for political gain? In my opinion, yes.

If you wish to support this cause and rally against Kony, then by all means do so! I commend those who stand up for what they believe in whether it's in line with my own stance or not. I am not in any way, shape or form wishing to detract from your beliefs, play nay-sayer, or to criticise well-meaning intentions. This is merely an opinion, although I was sure to partake in a little research when I realised mine was shaping up to be seen as possibly controversial.

Kudos to Invisible Children for a brilliantly executed social media campaign. Kony2012 has taken up prime real estate of my thoughts and online discourse since last night so regardless of my standpoint, they still have me hook, line, and sinker.

I shall leave you with some light reading:

The simplest mathematics

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Song dump!

Current loves:

Faux Pas - Silver Line

Mutemath - Allies

M83 - Reunion

Parachute Youth - Can't Get Better Than This

Felix Cartal - Domo

Calvin Harris - Feel So Close (Nero Remix)

Phutureprimative - Xotica

Monday, 5 March 2012

I rise above the human follies in my life

Just when I think I have turned away from this type of music and that my longstanding love of metal is petering out, this song comes on. And that's when I realise I am dead wrong.

Title lyrics taken from Byzantine - Jeremiad

Why you should quit your job

Because life is too short to be stressed. Time for me to come out with it - I HATED my last job on the coast. This has probably been previously made evident but in an effort not to burn bridges I have tried to keep it on the D-low. It's with mixed emotions that I speak of my time there. I know that I cannot place the blame on my former employer or team for things going horribly wrong for me. In order for things to be that bad, there are of course other factors at play. After all, disease can only take hold in a compromised environment. There were things about that job that I loved. I still have great respect for the company's leading lady and my colleagues who supported me through it all (they knew, maybe not the extent to which I was affected, but I am sure they had some idea). It just wasn't at all right for me at the time, and ultimately became extremely toxic and detrimental to my sanity and self esteem. I thought I hated everything and everyone around me. I had begun to hate myself. In fact, I could no longer even recognise myself. I thought I was depressed.

When you detest your work so deeply your whole outlook on life is discoloured, it is beyond time to move on. Stop procrastinating and panicking that you have no way out. It is time to think of yourself. Pardon my language, but fuck it. GET OUT!! Look around and be creative. Don't be afraid to take bold steps to put changes in place. Even if your escape route may seem counter-productive at first. It never pays to be unhappy in the long run.


Old school alert, but this is one of those songs that at the right moment can make you feel as though life is perfect. Even when flawed, everything is wonderful. I have a pocketful of these songs. This one in particular reeks of freedom and adventure, open minds. For me it evokes the memory of breaking away from Chennai on that battered old train, South India in all its lush rice paddied glory.