Thursday, 25 August 2011

Send transmission through a one-armed scissor

I've realised the answer. I even drafted a long-winded blog post in response when I was still strung up on high emotion.

Now calmer, I can see this: when I deal with my personal insecurities and perpetual approval-seeking, my ego will no longer be running the show and this dark shadow will melt away.

I am generally grounded in my self-confidence and maintain an energy of positivity, when I gain enough strength and maturity to ensure these qualities are unfaltering, such angst-driven questions will be left for dust.

(Title lyrics taken from At The Drive In - One Armed Scissor)
Why does society make me feel as though I'm missing out on something I don't even want?

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


The state of the world stresses me out in that terminal helpless kind of way, constantly gnawing away at the back of my head.

Global financial crisis.
Climate change.
The US Government.
Western health.
Natural disasters.
Man-made disasters.
Blah blah.
Blah blah blah.

It's becoming a constant drone, drilling through my consciousness, ensuring that I'm aware of how selfish yet powerless I am.

It may sound ridiculous to some, but it's beginning to wear me down. I feel a social responsibly to maybe do something about it, yet I know I'm too lazy. Too comfortable. Too weak to even raise my voice.

So the eternal guilt sets in.
The world continues to crumble whilst we all watch and wait.

It happens to the best of them right?

The dreaded emo has struck.
I feel isolated.
I feel lonely.
I feel disregarded.
For no good reason. I guess it just happens sometimes right?

A good sleep and a cracking cardio session at the gym in the morning should fix me right up.

Chin up, princess.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Ignorance Abounds

"I am not racist, I have no problems with Asians living in Asia" - title of a Facebook page

What is even more alarming is that people are actually 'liking' this page!

Disgusting. How is this even allowed?!

Some say that knowledge is power.

I feel as though knowledge is stress.

Monday, 8 August 2011

I dreamed of sharks and crazy surf last night

Covered in leopard spots and larger than a Great White, she wasn't intentionally a man-eater. Surfers just had a habit of accidentally finding themselves inside her giant mouth when caught up in the dumping storm surge that always coincided with her visits. I stood at the shoreline drinking takeaway coffee and nearly drowned only once...

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Coronas and Kanye

I'm sitting out the back, just soaking in this beautiful late winter's afternoon. The sun is coming and going as it so pleases but it's still gorgeous and warm.

My positivity lately would make you vomit. This is what I was looking for. Who would have thunk it?

Song of the day: Kanye West - School Spirit

Thursday, 4 August 2011

They Called Me 'The Spelling Bee'

I seem to spend an horrific amount of time turning my nose up at people's mindless grammatical errors and careless spelling mistakes. The fact that I aced all my primary school literacy does not make me a better person. I should stop shaking my head over people's Facebook statuses, tutting at poorly executed restaurant menus and spending half my shift at work pecking at the keyboard, ensuring proper nouns begin with capital letters. Ah, if only I could put a stop to these heinous crimes against our written English word!

And then the painful reality check: Honey, no one really cares these days.

Ouch, my heart. Sigh.

Whilst I'm at it, I should stop rudely butting in to bark the pleases and the thank yous in where they been omitted (accidentally, I'm sure).

What happened to us?? I am such a Nanna. I just cannot accept poor grammar and lax manners. Smarten up, Australia!